Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy birthday, ''Sofie"

Hi Alex,
Today is Sofie’s one year old birthday! (I’m sure you already knew that)

It has been cold and rainy outside today and for the last few days, but Sofie is just as cheerful as ever. She’s not a big fan of the rain though. The first time she went out in the rain, a drop fell on her back and she looked at me like ‘why did you do that?’ and ran right back inside. I had to get an umbrella so she could potty. Other than that, Sofie loves just about everything. She has grown up to be a very happy and contented Coton and always full of surprises.

She went to Lake Tahoe for Thanksgiving and she loved the snow. She went out of her way to walk in the snow . She also loved sitting by the window snuggled up in her warm bed and watching the snow fall outside.

Going anywhere is another favorite thing for her…..for a walk in our neighborhood, riding in the car or exploring the yard, anywhere she goes she has fun.

Her favorite ‘toy’ is still the dinosaur chew bone. She loves to play a game of fetch with a big fluffy plush ball. The ball seems bigger than she is when she’s bringing it back, but then she drops it and just waits until you toss it again. You can tell that she’s ready when she lifts her paw just a little. She also enjoys a game of ‘chase’ around the sofa with our other dog Bailey. They run around, then one stops, and then they creep around until they see each other and start running again…it’s very cute. On Christmas, my niece brought over her Bichon. At first they were both a little standoffish, but soon became the best of friends and played with each other the entire time. She still does the cute little thing where she waves her paw to get the other dogs to play.

Sofie is still a cuddler. She will snuggle next to us or on our laps and just fall asleep. Or sometimes she’ll watch TV. She really watches TV. If there is a dog on, she gets very alert, and if it is a dog she doesn’t particularly like, she growls or sometimes even barks. I never realized how many dogs are on TV in shows and commercials.

She weighs a little over 10 lbs, so she is petite, but she has always been a good eater. She has a little routine that she does at dinner time. When she knows we have the food in her bowl, she spins 3 times, then sits, then lays down, then sits again and looks at us patiently to tell us ‘bring on the food’

She is very smart and learns new things quickly but she’s also very sensitive. She brings us so many smiles each day.

Please pass along Birthday wishes to Sofie’s brothers too!

I know it must be so difficult for you each time you send a puppy to it’s forever home, but I hope you can smile knowing they are happy and healthy and bringing fun and happiness to their new families each day.

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