Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy 2nd year old Birthday to Sofie,Tiny Beau, Hamlet and Mochi!

Have many,many happy and healthy years ahead all of you with your loving families..

Sofie's Happy 2nd year old birthday story




Ahhhhhhh... She look so cute with that cut!


"Sleepy Sofie"


Hi Alex,

I'm sure you know that today is Sofie's 2nd Birthday. I can't believe she is 2 years old, she is still such a 'puppy at heart'. She still has a very easy going temperament, lifts her paw up when she wants to play, loves to go places, on walks, in the car and on trips. She's been to Lake Tahoe a few times this year, hiking in the summer and again at Thanksgiving when there was a ton of snow. She loves the snow! This year I got her a bigger jacket that kept her tummy dry and some boots so her feet wouldn't get cold when we went for walks.
Today we did some of Sofie's favorite things....went for a walk, chased and brought me her toys, cuddles and kisses, played and ran outside in the backyard with Bailey, and a nice nap on my lap while I was working at my computer. Not alot different than a normal day, but special because it's her day!

Here are some pictures that I took today. On the second one you can see that she still has some very light 'color' on her ears, and also on the top of her back. It's subtle and sometimes just looks like a shadow in photos, but it's very pretty. When I had her groomed I asked them not to cut the color from her ears, so they are long, but I think she looks cute. Her ears and her tail just float when she runs around.

from Sofie's mom

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