Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Not so happy weekend for Scarlet.

Scarlet and I both got bitten by a scorpion over the weekend. I've been religiously having the pest control company treat the house every month, but I guess that ended up not working. This is actually the second time that I got stung by a scorpion. Luckily, I found out that I'm not allergic to this nasty creature, but the pain that lasts for about an hour after getting bitten is scary. Over the weekend, I felt a painful sensation like being shot with a staple gun on my feet. I immediately knew that I got stung by a scorpion. I screamed and cried for a while with the fear and pain. I tried to find that criminal scorpion to protect my Cotons, but I couldn't find it. The next day, I learned of one more victim. My precious Scarlet got stung by the scorpion. The vet had to sedate her and shave the area to treat the wound since her skin was truamatized very badly from her licking. My vet advised me that the wound will get better in ten days of antibiotic treatment and chlorhexidine PS micro-emulsion spray daily. I felt so relieved hearing that Scarlet would be okay. Isabelle was so worried about her mommy and she kissed her face many times to comfort her. Now, Scarlet is so uncomfortable with her protective collar on her neck. I feel incredibly bad for my sweetie Scarlet =[

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