Thursday, September 30, 2010

My daughter

Although, my blog was intended to share about my precious "Fur" children, "Cotons", not my personal life, especially, my precious human children. I've decided to share some about them here in my space because I'm so proud of each of my children and how they are. Because, I am not completed without my children.
I have many regrets that I could have been a better mom for them and I felt countless times that feeling badly about myself because of it. I am grateful that my life is any better than this because of all my children who loves me and understands me as who I am. I was a mom who dedicated my entire time for my children when they were young. My belief and my humble dedication for my children somehow now shows me that I wasn't on a wrong track. I am so proud of all my children who were doing the best and doing the best out what they can do and I am so grateful again and again for them . I hear that old phrase, "Life is too short". Now I am thinking about that old phrase and ask to myself, Do I really know what that mean is? Well, I don't really have a perfect answer to that but all I can say is that I need to be focused on what's important and what's the main priority in my life .. Do you have better answer to that? Let me hear if you have any..

The dance team that my daughter made in her college(U.C.Berkeley). She created this dance team and she is also the head choreographer. How cool is that!

She also was a leader of her high school dance and here she is in her rehearsal right before her dance group's performance for her school.

She was a popular singer at her high-school.
She sang national anthem for her school's sports games and also a lead soloist for her choir concert performances.

The "Tiny Virtuoso"

This is when she was 3 years old and she was one of my very youngest piano student(My students were mostly from junior high school to graduate school).

This is one of my old precious photo of my children and me and every time when I look at this, it brings me a lots of happy memory of those precious times.

She was a baby at this time in my arms when her older sister( this was a her first piano competition.I believe she was 5 years old) performed at the Pasadena,California for her Bach Piano Competition in the youngest category. She was one of my piano students along with my other students who entered to this competition and she won a 1st place in her category. Now she had graduated the one of the most prestigious college in the nation, "Wellesley College" in Massachusetts (where our most favorite former First lady, "Hillary Clinton" went to get her education from and the where the movie, "Monalisa's smile" took,(Julia Roberts starring). She is now preparing for her graduate school after her voluntarily missionary work in the orphanage in Mexico as a mentor and the teacher and also a leading guide for the next volunteer group after her for a long 8 months.I didn't like what she was doing although I was proud how she cared for other people but it worried me tremendously because the place was very dangerous. She was a first chair as head Cellist in Pacific Symphonic Orchestra in Orange County Orchestra before she headed to the college. She had interviewed with one of the world famous Cellist, "Yo yo ma" and she was very excited about the conversations with him. My son was so tired of all day events and the photo shows well enough of how he felt(he is now preparing his medical school entrance examination). In this photo, his face expression showed how he wasn't really part of this all day event for her younger sister, especially, when he had to hold his baby sister's milk bottle for the photo shoot for me. Maybe, he was worrying about his upcoming violin competition very next day.

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