Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"The letter from Coton puppy,Hamlet"

I was very happy to hear from Hamlet's mommy today. It is very kind and thoughtful to let me know that how things's been going and how much they love their fur kid. I always love to receive updates from my Coton puppies parents.

Hi Alex,
Hope you are well. Just wanted to let you know that Hamlet is doing wonderfully!!!! He is still the cutest puppy that ever lived and aside from being so adorable, funny and a natural performer... he is soooo obedient. Since the day he came home, he's been as hungry all the time...he eats like a teenage boy and he is now the same size as our other Coton, Tango!! Tango now loves Hamlet and Hamlet has always adored Tango and copies everything she does. You definitely are the best breeder ever and we love our puppy more than ever.

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